Saturday, April 5, 2008

Battlestar Gallactica


Great intro. I could not believe this show has not been on for over a year. It just felt like it was on last week (not in repeats mind you). Seeing the big reveal of the final four of five cylons model in last season and seeing Stabuck come back, I was dumbstruck.

Seeing that they really ARE cylons really has put a huge curve on where this show is going to. My guess for the final cylon model is the president. Too me that is the most logical character to be the final cylon. Particularly since she has had that vision, has gotten cancer back (even though she got healed up quite awhile ago). My money is on her.

Let us hope that Sci-Fi does not split this season up, rather give us the whole shebang in one full season. Let the show go out in a big FRAKKIN BOOM!!!

Cannot wait until next friday. Cheers.

1 comment:

Michael Kasaboski said...

Hey Tim!

The blog is looking great. Love the title - haha. You are so right. I really, really can't wait for Iron Man either. It looks fantastic.