Saturday, May 31, 2008


I will be on again tomorrow with my thoughts on BSG and Indy. Cheers all.


Lost was really good


We finally got a Lost finale that was interesting, thrilling and still left enough little questions that we as fan can still look forward to something really intriguing next season. I won't spoil it for anyone who still has not seen it, suffice it to say next season should prove very interesting as to how the oceanic six are going to get back to the island and where the island went to.

For me the shows was starting to lose me as a fan with all the questions that they left and how the second season went nowhere. Now I am back on liking the story and where they are going with it. Count me as a comeback fan and waiting eagerly for the new season.

Atomic Robo is in my blood

Well this is long time coming. So I have been hearing about Atomic Robo for awhile and I decided to pick up all the issues. Well I was pleasantly surprised with what I read. Atomic Robo is about the tale of a robot created by Tesla who is basically industructible. We read about his life through the early 1900's up until our time. We see him deal with the Nazi's and throughout the Cold War. What I like most about the story is that the humour really reminds me of Scud the disposable Assassin. The humour is real slick and does put a smirk on your face.

The other thing that I like what I see with Atomic Robo is that the art is far superior to what we normally see. The company that is producing Atomic Robo is really putting forth a strong effort in what they are making and I for one am glad. I can't wait to see what they bring out later this year with Atomic. By far one of the indy titles that will be put on my pull list.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Well that was annoying

I have been trying to get back onto here for awhile and finally I am now back. I have a nice shiny new laptop, So I am going to do my best to be on here for as many times as I can. I will be posting up my review of Atomic Robo (Which is awesome by the way). Also I will be posting my views on the latest Indy flick, Lost finale and BSG. So logging off now but be back on soon. Cheers all.


P.S. Anyone know where I can find a 17" laptop slingbag for a Sony. If you do let me know. Cheers.